Parts & Accessories
We carry a large stock of Bongo and Freeda parts & accessories
We have a wide range of services and accessories available which include...
- Towbars (including caravan split)
- Rear fog lights, speedo + chip conversions
- Alloy wheels and full or side conversion fitment
- In car entertainment solutions, stereo fitting
- Roof racks, ladders, bike racks
- Front and rear bullbars
- Grill & body make overs
- Remote centeral locking
- Various Awnings and Tents
- Decals removal, application + graphics

Steering and Suspension
Droplinks, springs, shocks, bushes,brackets, mountings, steering racks, track rod ends, bottom suspension arms, wheel bearings, ball joints, steering column, ujs. pack gaitors, driveshaft + boots.

Cooling & Heating
Radiator hoses, thermostat, water pump, heater fan motor diode
pack, Aircon pipes.

Transmissions & Everything Else
Clutch, Lighting, exhausts, oil, seals, gaskets, electrical, injection
components, mirror lenses, pack, Aircon pipes, battery.